A good product builds and expands on tradition while simultaneously breaking the rules of said tradition.
Anderssen & Voll
Shimmer TealightInspired by Zaha Hadid’s studies into high-rise architecture, the Shimmer Tea Light, can stand either alone as a decorative item or in a cluster populating a table setting. Light is transformed by the tessellating surface of polished crystal glass.

The strength of the collection lies in our ability to interpret the ordinary into something unexpected.
Yao and Kutay | Zaha Hadid Design
Designer Gunnar Cyrén who originally crafted a group of small wooden trivets, now available from Warm Nordic, remained true to the material in his quest for authenticity. Perfect for the Christmas table on their on or in a seres.
I would describe my process or approach as reductive, I try to create the most simple vessel possible for its use ...
Gidon Bing